African Liberation



SELF-REPARATIONS. HOW IS IT ACCOMPLISHED? It is accomplished by giving maximum exposure to your slave history to see how it shaped your present identity and your present personality.The revelations that come from such exposure are vitally necessary if a racially subjugated specieswill repair itself from the damage that now prevents full attainment ofwholeness and well-being.



(Chapter 1)

October 30 2018

A captive people are not likely to recognize their captivity if they were born in captivity and have no memory of freedom. Nor are they likely to identify liberation as an urgent necessity… if they have been schooled and churched to see their landless bondage as normal.(That is why “The Manual of Slave Control” clearly spells out in its preamble: “the need to educate all X-Slaves with the myth that their… Continue reading

HE WAS BORN WITH A VAMPIRE ON HIS BACK,so he believes that God put it there. Moreover, he was schooled and churched to see his landless-ness as normal.That is why today’s X-Slaves do not recognize the fundamental injustice that is inherent in their landless-ness. What lesson might be learned from the Covid-19 Curfew if you happen to be a landless X-Slave whose fore-parents were robbed and worked to death, and therefore left you WITH NO INHERITANCE except the… Continue reading