You are your enslaved and malnourished ancestor, and your existence on the plantation was confined to a landless box on four rocks, where hunger was your constant companion. All the while, the place where you lived was completely surrounded by sugar-cane and yams and potatoes that were strictly guarded by the slave-master.
Seeing acres and acres of food stretching as far as the eye can see has always been a constant temptation for the hungry.And you are that same ancestor whose constant deprivation caused him to risk getting shot while stealing from the very same crops that he had helped cultivate for the plantation owner.This experience should have taught us that hunger, inequality, and desperate times always pressure the bottom-feeders to beg, loot, prostitute, or steal.
So be careful how you call for the crucifixion of the thief, because if you look at yourself you will see that in the present time your daily bread is still locked up in another man’s barn, and you yourself are still living one paycheck away from starvation.
In these uncertain times, with your food still locked up in another man’s barn, you never know when the worsening situation will drive you to desperation, and cause you to do what you have never done before.
But the slave-system has always targeted your mind to mis-educate and disconnect you from your enslaved ancestor, because they must keep you benumbed in ignorance.They know that keeping you benumbed in ignorance will cause you to exist with the mentality of a memory-less crab in a barrel,ready and willing to kill one another just for a yam.
They know that in your poverty of consciousness, your mind will be reduced to the level of mindless swine,so you will be quick to lynch the thief, and remain silent about the robber who robbed you, enslaved you, and placed you in your landless dog-eat-dog, crabs-in-a-barrel situation.
They must keep you feeling separate from your enslaved ancestors, so that you will be emotionally anesthetized and desensitizedfrom that historic trauma that continues to shape your present–day existence.
In other words,
they hope to create a psychologically gutted slave who does not take the issue of rape and enslavement personally.
( more can be said and will be said in next part)
Ras Jahaziel Feb 4, 2024
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