A captive people are not likely to recognize their captivity if they were born in captivity and have no memory of freedom. Nor are they likely to identify liberation as an urgent necessity… if they have been schooled and churched to see their landless bondage as normal.(That is why “The Manual of Slave Control” clearly spells out in its preamble: “the need to educate all X-Slaves with the myth that their… Continue reading →
VICTIMS OF THE COUNTER-INTELLIGENCE PROGRAMthat was designed to sabotage the Pan-African vision of “Africa for the Africans, those at home and those abroad.”
When the African has been fully broken,domesticated, and mentally infiltrated,he will lose his self-respect.Consequently, he will take pride in being known as a Cherokee,an Apache, and a Black foot,but not a Black African.This loss of self-respect will cause the broken Negro to want to be Native American or… Continue reading →
LOCKED IN A MENTAL STATEthat was purposefully designed by white Slave-Breakers.
AFRICA has been painted
with such a negative brush that for a very long time, the knowledge that you came from Africa was not a source of great pride. This shame has long plagued the mind of the African who became a Negro during the slave-breaking process. It caused the search for origins outside of Africa, because very few Negroes wanted to be linked with a… Continue reading →
CHAPTER 3In this post-emancipation era, the world has become split into two different economic realities: Slavery-Wealth and Slavery Poverty…. otherwise known as First world and Third world…. otherwise known as
The Developed World
and The UNDER-Developed World…
otherwise known to the wise as The Shameful and Unjust Results of The Great Robbery.Look at this picture below:It can be called “Inequality as a result of The Great Robbery,”
Ever since I heard Robert A. Hill’s lecture in April this year titled ‘The University Report on the Rastafari Movement in Kingston, Jamaica: The half that has never been told’ I’ve wanted to blog about it. I started a post soon after but it remained a draft all this time… Continue reading →
Today with the aid of The History Microscope, it is quite easy to see that SLAVE CONTROL is the demonic reason whytheoverwhelming majority of today’s X-Slaves havebeen deliberately kept bound in the punitive and subjugating chains of LANDLESS-NESS.Permanent dependency and permanent insecurity are a natural consequence of landless-ness, and this is a necessary condition for perfect slave control.And it is equally plain to see why every effort has been made to… Continue reading →
HE WAS BORN WITH A VAMPIRE ON HIS BACK,so he believes that God put it there. Moreover, he was schooled and churched to see his landless-ness as normal.That is why today’s X-Slaves do not recognize the fundamental injustice that is inherent in their landless-ness. What lesson might be learned from the Covid-19 Curfew if you happen to be a landless X-Slavewhose fore-parents were robbed and worked to death, and therefore left you WITH NO INHERITANCE except the… Continue reading →
If you free a people and continue to control all the land, and control all the money, you will effectively control all the people and keep them in captivity.That is what is meant by the term “CAPTIVE LABOR.”
But if the enslaved are also unwise and brainwashed, you can… Continue reading →
Ignorance and Weak-mindedness are the two devils that most often lead a broken and domesticated people into complicity with their own enslavement. It is part of the nature of being DOMESTICATED.
Perhaps If I take your mind deep into the not-so-distant past, to the door-steps of great grandmothers, you will realize that YOU are the only chance… Continue reading →